to: Charities Directorate				September 6, 2010  Canada Revenue Agency Ottawa ON K1A 0L5  from: Jenn Farr 59 Louisa Street Ottawa, ON K1R 6Y7  re: Exodus Global Alliance charitable status  Dear Canada Revenue Agency,  Please review the charitable status eligibility of Exodus Global Alliance, registration number 873491849RR0001. I believe Exodus’ activities violate Canada’s rules for tax-exempt, charitable status.   CRA demands that a tax-exempt charities,' "activities and purposes provide a tangible benefit to the public". Exodus Global Alliance fails to provide any benefit. Exodus hurts the Canadian public. Exodus promotes intolerance against anyone who isn't totally heterosexual through statements such as, " the goal is not heterosexuality, it's holiness".   No attempt at treating homosexuality as a disorder has ever been successful. Exodus' "proof" of success is nothing more than biased participant surveys. No reputable, independent studies or research back Exodus' claims of being able to 'pray away The Gay'.  Exodus treats homosexuality and bisexuality as a "mental illness" to be "cured" despite a global expert consensus that homosexuality and bisexuality are not disorders. What is normal and healthy does not need curing.   Exodus Global Alliance does not qualify for charitable status in Canada.  Thank you for your time. I look forward to your response,     ~Jenn Farr~